
Martin Luther posting his "95 Theses" in 1517

Welcome, and thank you for visiting this site!  We pray it will be a blessing to you (and please pray likewise for us).

Our intention is to produce Christ-centered and God-glorifying content to help shape and form a biblical worldview.

We fear that the Reformation-era concentration on the Five Solas, along with the teaching of the Doctrines of Grace have been lamentably lost within modern-day Christianity, and consequently relegated to obscurity.  Yet, these are the very doctrines that sparked Christian revivals throughout history.

The intention of this site is not to compile an exhaustive collection of Reformed Theology, but rather to promote an interest into biblical study with hopes that it will inspire further personal investigation and dialog.  We encourage comments and feedback on the posts that may be mutually edifying to both the authors and the audience.